
Our activities start at the end of April with the opening of our green for a club night on Friday the 25th at 6.30pm for all existing members.

0penDay with tea and coffee follows on Saturday the 19th at 10.30am. the day is open for anyone interested in playing bowls who has not been a member previously. We also hope that existing members will sign in and pay their membership subscription for the year ahead on the day.

Sunday the 20th at 10.30 am is an Open Practice day for everyone to have a go and or practice.

All members will receive a Fixtures booklet listing all the Matches for the year 2025 which start at the end of this month.


We are now into MAY

Every week we will have a number of Matches. Lists will go up in our pavilion for all lhe three leagues we play in they are the Cambridge and District, the ,Meldreth and District and the mid week Foxton league. Members are asked to sign up on the list for those matches that they will be available to play

There will be a Club Night starting at 6.30pm which is both a Social and Practice night every week on the dates shown when there is not a match being played.

The dates are the 2nd, 8th, 16th , 22nd and 30th.he next week is the Bank Holiday, so no club night. ,


We are now into June.

Once again Sign up sheets for all the matches will be displayed in our Pavilion.

Club nights when all members plus guests will be welcome to attend will be on the following evenings starting at 6.30pm.

The dates are the 6th, 13th, 20th, and the 27th.

8th June Kenzie Cup at Foxton. — 2.30pm


Here we are now in July.

Sign up sheets will be displayed in our Pavilion for the month of July. Club nights for the month will be on the following evenings as below

4th, 11th,18th, 25th and the 31st.

Other activities such as the Shelford Feast where we are involved all day is on the 6th

Our Presidents Day together with the Thoroughgood Trophy is on the 27th starting at 2.30pm


We are now in August.

Sign up sheets for the month will be displayed in the pavilion.

Club nights will be on the following evenings 14th and 22nd.


No club nights in the month

Tuesday Sept 2nd  - Margarets lunch

Saturday  Sept 6th and Sun 7th Finals weekend

Monday 8th Sept Green closure


Tuesday 14th Oct – AGM


Saturday 15th  - Sunday 16th Volunteers needed to do a final  season green/garden tidy up  

Saturday 29th Nov – Annual Dinner

Competition winners with trophy`s presented by Chairman Graham and President Christine at Cafe 19 Duxford


We are having a pre season tidy up of the garden and would like as many volunteers as possible to help. The tidy up has been arranged for the weekend of the 8th and 9th March starting at 10.30am until when ever. Hope to see you all there. don`t forget your gloves and be prepared for inclement weather.
